The World Takes Its Cues From "Human."

The Husband, or "Human" (as I like to call him), is quite the funny man.

Lately, "Human" has been taking his sweet-ass time getting out of bed in the morning. I'll come home from my training session at the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:40 am, and he'll still be in bed.

This morning, I had no training session. So I decided to sleep in till 7:30 am. At that time, I got up and hopped into the shower.

When I got out, "Human" sniped, "About time you got out. It's getting late!"

"Well," I sniped back, "You know, you could get out of bed before me and get ready earlier. The world doesn't revolve around 'Human.'"

"No," he said. "It doesn't revolve around 'Human.' But the world does take its cues from 'Human.'"

The Husband lives in his own delusional universe. Or so, I have concluded.


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