Fresh Black Tea Mask.

Since I cut back on my facials a few months ago, I recently found myself without a good mask product. Typically, when I would go in for facials, I would get recommendations on new facial masks to try at home. And then, last week, I found myself all out of my Astara Green Papaya mask.


Now, of course, I could certainly go online or back to Exhale and pick up some more. But I decided that maybe this was a good time to try something different. So, after some research, I went out and picked up the Fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask.

Last night, I finally got a chance to try the stuff. And it is awesome!

It's a hydrating mask... And it is light. I kept it on for about 30 minutes... And when I splashed it off, my skin was so soft!!!

There's even a recommendation that you keep it overnight. And when you wake-up, you have a nice, smooth finish to your skin. I may try that later this week. Though that would mean sleeping only on my back, as to avoid getting the stuff on my pillow cases.

Oh the things I am willing to do in order to keep my skin youthful!


I heart Fresh.

I once had a student who worked at their corporate offices, both before and after they were bought by LVMH...sigh, so lucky. They have some amaaazing perks, and fabulous skin is just one of them.

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