When Fall Sucks...

There's nothing more annoying than the weather lately...

Why? Well because it's making dressing and office temperatures difficult!

When you have weather like we've had this week... You find yourself waking up to chilly floors. And so you know it's in the low 40s or high 30s outside. And you bust out your wool coat.

Then, you get to work, and by midday, you don't need the wool coat. You still need a cover-up... But something a little lighter would do. But you're stuck with the heavier one.

And then, I don't know about you, but our office temperature is constantly in flux. It's either sharply cold because the air is on... Or it's sweltering, like 85 degrees, because the heat is on. And since we don't directly control the thermostat in our office, we have to call building management to adjust it for us.

At least there is a bright spot. Tomorrow it will be in the low 60s. Which means I can get away with a lighter jacket at the start of the day, and not worry about being too cold.

But for today? Well, right now it's 36 degrees outside... I'm gonna have to go with the heavier jacket.


Anonymous said…
I hear ya. I was torn this morning between wearing a lighter silk sweater and a heavy wool sweater. I went with the lighter sweater, with a cashmere wrap, and I am freezing my ass off at my desk. Need a hot latte asap!
Dan said…
Layers, Missus, Layers.

And beer.

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