Dear "Universe"...

Dear Universe,

Apparently, we seem to have a great misunderstanding...

You seem to think that all I am doing with my "life" is dilly-dallying around. I wake up in the morning... I dilly... I dally all throughout the day... And then I come home at night and sleep.

You think I take nothing serious and spend my time not doing super-fantastic things for you and for others.

But I'd like to take this opportunity to point something out for you: YOU ARE TOTALLY FUCKING WRONG.

I contribute far more to the energy in the space we take up in your Universe than a lot of others. In reality, my "dilly-dallying" is just my approach to life within you.

I apologize if I am not one of those people who spew nothing but frustrated and whiny-energy. I just feel that my "life" within you isn't that difficult. And I am sorry, but I refuse to make it come off as difficult.

No, dear Universe, I will not succumb to your desire to make me think that I should be anything other than the spunky, take-no-shit-from-no-one, colorful, quirky, cheeky, enthusiastic person I was put in this Universe to be.

So, dear Universe, if you want me to change... I kindly say, "No."

But, I am not a complete bitch. I can compromise. I will stay the way I am... But I ALSO WILL NOT TRY TO CONVERT OTHERS to be the same way I am.

Not everyone has to be happy and a bright beam of sunshine. If others in this Universe choose to be sorry sour-pusses who like to drown their sorrows in alcohol and promiscuous activities*, I will not look down on them. I will not judge them. (And trust me, Universe, the "not-judging" bit is a big mother-fucking step for me to commit to!)

I will simply go through my life within you, Universe, doing what I do best. I respect that you may not think I am doing my best... But one day you will realize it. And I am doing well by you. (Very fucking well.)

So, until then... Here's me, The Missus, sending my positive energy out into you, Universe. And working really, really hard on NOT telling you, quite simply, "To go fuck yourself."

Hugs and Kisses,
The Missus

*I have to add a disclaimer... Because I know many people who like to have alcohol and partake in promiscuous activities... But they are not doing it to drown their sorrows. It is their approach to life. And it's healthy (Yes, I wrote "healthy") and good. It's when you do it only to escape that it is sad. (Sorry! I will not judge from here on out!)


Kate said…
I'm with you on that one. All of it. Every single bit.

Cheers to the happy life - and not the hard life!
Unknown said…
....Margaritas, in your honor, this evening [because you know we're not only drowning our sorrows :-)].

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