Olympic Fashion - Not Feeling "It."

The Husband and I tucked into a meal of Chinoise food while watching the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics. It wasn't until we were halfway through the meal I realized we were watching Beijing and eating Chinese food. We found it delightful.

But you wanna know what I didn't find "delightful"?

Team USA's Opening Ceremony uniforms...

I am not loving the "dapper-sailing" outfit courtesy of Ralph Lauren. Why? Oh gee... Where to begin...
  • The white newsboy cap does not flatter most people.
  • Where's the eff-ing red? Navy blue and white??? Those are not America's colors!
  • White pants? Not flattering on most people. Even super skinny athletic people.
  • And, the piece-de-resistance... The blazer! And it looks horribly made!
I don't know about you... But I think it looks tacky. I'm cool with the Olympic logo on one side...

But the Ralph Lauren Polo logo on the other side? And notice it's on a visible pocket? It's too huge. And it's just plain tacky.

Many countries' delegations wore Fedora-style rimmed hats though...

They were seen on the French team...

The team from Spain...

The Russian team...

And even Kazakhstan...

I like the Fedora-esque look. (But not the rest of most of the outfits.)

*Images are screenshots from an interactive piece on the NYTimes Style section.


The Debonairs said…
Great post! We actually just did an article on some of the more bizarre outfits worn at the Opening Ceremony - would love to hear what you think!


Hope you like it and thanks!

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