Watch Out! I Has Muscles.

So... Even though I've only been training with the new trainer for four weeks (7 sessions), I've already noticed changes in my body...

Which to me is a sign that the new trainer totally knows what he is doing. So I don't mind that we had to reschedule two sessions because he over-slept. I would meet him at any time of day he has available. Yes, he's that good.

Of particular note is how much more I am able to lift in the span of just 7 sessions. I'm lifting significantly heavier weight. So much heavier weight, in fact, that when I told my husband how much I was lifting he said...

"Shit! I use weights that are only 15 pounds heavier than that when I do that same exercise!"

And my husband, Human, is a much larger person than I am. (Must be all that Canadian food he ate growing up. You know... Like... Well... I guess there is no such thing as "Canadian Cuisine.")

And in addition to the heavier weights I am using (much heavier), I have also noticed:
  • My ass is toning quickly. It's still round and Kim Kardashian-esque... Butt (hee-hee) it's looking better by the day in yoga pants. It's gotta be the step-ups and lunges.
  • I have arm muscles. Holy hell... My arms have some definition to them. It's just slight. But it's forming.
  • My Standing-Head-To-Knee pose in Bikram is improving. If you may recall, one of my goals for the training sessions was to strengthen my ass for Bikram poses. And in both classes I've done so far this week, I was able to hold myself up in that pose a lot longer than usual.
  • Soreness. My muscles are sore. For days afterwards. When I told new trainer this, he said, "Yes. It will be challenging each day you come in here." I let him know, "I plan to continue training till I move to Canada next year. Will you be able to come up with challenging stuff from now until then?" He just laughed at me, and indicated I was naive.
So I just wanted to share that I have muscles. And of course, they are partially due to the Bikram challenge I did. But the training has worked wonderfully in tandem with it.


Unknown said…
Hi there -- I'm thinking about doing a Bikram 30 day challenge, like the one you recently completed (congratulations!). Any tips/warnings before I start? I'd love to hear more about your experience.
Ashley Denault said…
Canadian food = Poutine. It's more or less fries, gravy and a cottage cheese-type substance.

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