How To Treat Honeymooner's Disease.

I've discovered an incredibly helpful elixir for battling a UTI...

Lemon Tea!

It's a teapot filled with one whole lemon (sectioned and squeezed) as well as one lemon teabag, and boiling water filled to the top.

According to eHow, vitamin C helps "acidify" things. So bacteria gets killed and rebalanced. I started to feel better very shortly after drinking it. I've also been downing pure cranberry juice (as in 100% cranberry juice - which is very, very TART) and water. But the lemon tea is the one thing that really helped right away.

It's also best to stay away from starchy foods, alcohol, sugar and caffeine till things clear up.

Hope this info comes in handy, should you ever have the horrible pleasure of getting a UTI*.

*And for the record, people... UTIs are very common in women. In fact, most women get them every few years. They are NOT just an occurrence for women with "dirty hoo-haws," as one jack ass wrote in and commented. In fact, women mostly get them from having too much sex... Which is also called "Honeymooner's Disease." AND, often pregnant women get them too.


I'm actually considering ordering some Cipro from a Canadian pharmacy. It's so much of a hassle for me to get all the way to my doctor, a 20-minute drive away (not including taking the T home in the first place) to get an official TEST, then get to the PHARMACY, all while in excruciating pain....I know what I have, and I always get the same prescription, so I think stocking up on Cipro would solve that problem. In Italy and France, I could go buy antibiotics if I needed them. Here, you have to jump through hoops.
Anonymous said…
When you think that you have a UTI, the urinary pain relieving agent, sodium salicyate, found in over-the-counter Cystex, effectively treats UTI symptoms. Cystex is also the only over-the-counter medicine with a double-action formula that not only helps to relieve painful urinary symptoms, but it also helps control the infection with its other ingredient, methenamine, a natural antiseptic. Of course, if you suspect it’s a UTI, you need to see your doctor and get a prescription medicine to help eliminate the infection. For more information about Cystex, go to
Anonymous said…
My wife was in great misery last night with a classic case of this disease. Too late to call a doctor, we read the "lemon cure" and I went out and got the lemons. Eureka! It actually worked! Thanks for posting it.

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