Random Questions From Everyday Wonders...

These are questions that Random Vanessa has asked her readers to answer on her blog. I decided to answer them over here... In hopes that the stimulate further discussion.

Vanessa is currently having a contest (We bloggers love contests!) for people to answer the following questions:

What does empowerment mean to you?
Empowerment means waking up each day, and accepting life as it comes towards you. It's courage. Courage to keep moving forward.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
I hate to answer a question with a question... But... "I can fail?" I don't see life as "failing" or "succeeding." I used to. But what I have learned (well, always known, but really come to recognize) is that life isn't actually "hard." Life is really about taking time out each day and finding a way to accept your present and move forward, taking action. If you continue to have the courage to move forward each day, and breathe, then you haven't failed. You're living life.

So what would I do if I knew I could not fail?

Exactly what I'm doing now... ;)


Vanessa said…
Consider yourself entered! I love your answers.

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