Dreams: The Beach.

The Husband and I got a new mattress this weekend. And it is a wonderful thing. So last night was our first night sleeping on it. And we had a wonderful sleep. (More on it later though.)

Especially me. I ended up having another odd dream...

In this dream, I was on a beach. And had to take a buffalo to the water with all the other buffalo that were standing in it wading. The water was clear and aqua, like it is in the Turks and Caicos. The water was also calm. And there were hundreds of buffalo wading in the water.

I stepped into the water and walked my buffalo in, though I was worried at first. I was afraid
it wouldn't be able to stand up in the water. But it was fine.

Then, I turned around to do something else on the beach... I picked up a blob of something and placed it on the sand in a little ditch. I poured water into it, and a dolphin grew from the blob.

I have dreamed about dolphins a couple of times in the past. But never buffalo. Anyway... Here's what the dream dictionary says the symbols in my dream mean...

To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean, indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Consider the state of the ocean, whether it is calm, pleasant, forbidding, etc.

To see a herd of buffalo in your dream, signifies tranquility and plenitude.

To see a dolphin in your dream, symbolizes spiritual guidance, your intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. Utilize your mind to its capacity and you will move upward in life. Alternatively, it suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions.

Hmm... Could it be the next evolution in the "Year of Me?" I don't know. But the water at the beach was calm. Perfectly calm. And I have no idea why the buffalo were there.


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