Sinking Floor Dream.

Had a vivid and odd dream last night.

Lately, I haven't been remembering too many of my dreams. The ones I do remember seem to always include a house, and me trying to find a bathroom. But last night's dream was different...

I dreamt I was living in an older apartment. It wasn't a pretty apartment. But it was charming and cozy just the same. The floor was made of a decrepit old, slanted wood. And there were boards missing from it.

I was sleeping in this apartment when my cell phone started to vibrate, as I had set it as an alarm to remind me to get up. I went to pic it up, but it fell out of my hand. And it bounced on the floor and into the slit of one of the cracked floor boards.

I went to go pick it up out of the crack, but I wasn't quick enough. It started to slip further and further into the crack. And then, all of the sudden, the floor started to crumble into the dirt below the boards... And I watched the cellphone, still vibrating, sink further and further down.

I couldn't reach it. But I wasn't really worried. I wasn't expecting a call or anything. It was just set to the alarm.

I left the room to go get help with the mess from my landlords. I couldn't find them. And when I came back into the apartment, almost the entire floor was gone. Just empty space beneath it. There were a few slabs of boards for me to hop from to the other side of the room.

Then I woke up.

I have no idea what the dream met, even after consulting a dream dictionary...

To dream that you lost your cell phone, represents a lack of communication. You have lost touch with some aspect of your feelings or your Self.

To see a slanted floor in your dream, foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals.

Some important and significant stage in your life may be coming to an end. Consider what is sinking and its significance.


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