He Can't "Take It" Anymore.


I've been with the man for a total of 6.5 years (3 years married), and I have never seen him this passionate about something. (Other than me, of course!)

But The Husband is totally serious. He's had it. He spent quite a bit of time last night and today talking to me about our "problem" again. He's pretty much beating a dead horse though. I mean, it was initially my idea.

I was the one who suggested it MONTHS ago. And he never once took me seriously. He just grunted in "agreement" at me. But he never once took the initiative. But I did research and came to my own decisions. And then I dropped the idea.

I wanted something different, and he wasn't ready to admit it yet.

But NOW... He's in agreement with me. AND, he's acting like this is all his idea.

"We NEED something different," he says to me. "I just can't take it anymore!"

So, we have decided to part ways soon...

With our mattress.

My husband does not like to plunk down large sums of money for a single item. But the man has a passion right now for finding a top of the line, quality mattress to replace the nine year-old piece of worn springed crap we currently have on our bed frame.

It's the mattress the bedroom set came with when my parents bought it for nine years ago. It's been through about seven apartment moves... Two of which crossed state lines.

When we lay down on it, we can feel the coils pressing into our back. This is part of the reason I sometimes sleep on the futon in my home office, and he sleeps on our couch.

The mattress has been flipped many times... But it's worn. There's even a section in the center of the bed... a thin strip... that is the same thickness the mattress was when I got it. The two sides are worn down though.

So we are scoping out the Tempurpedics and the Posturpedics... And this weekend, we are hitting a mattress store and plunking down a small fortune for something that will prevent our backs from getting whacked out. (Though, we won't be going this crazy with spending on a mattress!)

To be a "happy couple," you need to have a "happy bed." And right now, our bed is deteriorating like the Bush Administration. (Crappy Administration = Unhappy Country.)


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