It's So Easy...

... to get sucked into sitting in front of the TV on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon when you happen upon the Anne of Green Gables marathon on WGBH.

I'm such a sucker for this mini-series. I was seven or eight when it came on TV originally. It's one of my favorite television things from my childhood. This and when Michael Knight became "evil Michael Knight" (also known as "Garthe Knight") on Knight Rider.

You could tell he was evil because he had a mustache. I am sometimes evil. But I don't have a mustache. (Because I shave it off every day. It grows back every night though. A circle has no beginning or end.)

Anyway... I think it's a "girl thing."

The Anne of Green Gables thing.

Not the "mustache" thing.


Sarah said…
I wish I had known that was on, I loved that series too - the books too. I still get upset when Anne and Diana get separated for getting drunk.

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