This Ain't My Town No More.

I got to NYC this afternoon.

I was FINALLY able to take the subway from the airport. Back when I was young, and had no money whatsoever, I always made damn sure to fly into Laguardia airport, as that was the closest on to my apartment in Brooklyn... And it meant a $20 cab ride, max. Now, I prefer to fly into JFK and hop on the Air Tran to Jamaica, where I can catch the E train into the city. Took me 45 minutes to get to my hotel. So that was a nice change.

But despite this nice change, I am coming to the realization that this city doesn't "fit" me any more.

I was walking around the Flatiron district after my yoga class this evening. And the city doesn't feel the same to me. When I moved here seven years ago, I was young and naive. I was eager to soak in all the energy around me. I was eager to learn. I was eager to uncover a different life than the one I had been sleeping through until that point. I woke up when I moved to NYC.

And since leaving this city, I have lulled back into a nap of sorts. And I've been dying to wake up.

I don't know quite when I will wake up. But I am starting to stir. And my gut tells me it will be a gradual wake. Not an abrupt one. So it could be a little longer. But I am much closer to it than I was yesterday... Because now I know with out a doubt that there is no part of me holding on to the life I had in NYC.

It was charmed life. But it has no appeal to me any more.


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