I Take It Back.

You know how yesterday I was raving about the Rockstar energy drink? Well, I take it back.

That thing is evil.

I have skipped breakfast the last two days. And I have had one of these drinks each day on an empty stomach. Yesterday, I had a stomach ache all afternoon, into the evening. It hurt badly enough that I didn't eat dinner. I wasn't hungry. And I had a recurring feeling that I may puke at any moment.

Well, I did the same thing this morning. I picked up an energy drink on my way to work. And a few minutes ago, I did a little puking.

Gross. I know. But now I feel 10 times better.

But I still don't have any food in me. And I am now afraid to eat something. But I am very hungry.

Lesson Learned: Those energy drinks are bad. Loaded with chemicals and vitamins... They are not meant to be consumed on an empty stomach. They're probably best not consumed at all.


Anonymous said…
It's not the drink Moxie, it's the cocaine.
Me said…
I'm pretty high energy as it is... I don't want to see me on cocaine.

If I ever try a drug, it would have to be marijuana. It mellos you out... Or so people tell me.
Anonymous said…
i'm not a fan of the energy drinks either. i just don't like the hyper feeling i get. i prob know the guy the was handing them out. a friend of mine works for them and there's always rockstar at my friends' parties.

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