They're Very "West Egg."

I read The Great Gatsby way before I ever watched the movie.

It's a great summertime read. My place of choice to read was on summer afternoons that I had off from the Evil Empire while in Central Park.

I liked the book much more than the film. This is because I had a whole vision in my mind as to what the fashion from the 1920s would look like set against the story. It was similar to that which I saw in the film.... However, in my mind, there was much more focus on the shoes. They barely showed the shoes in the film.

Well, while browsing Anthropologie's website earlier this week, I began to take note of the shoes they have available that are very "Gatsby-esque."

Crisscross Booties

Suede Noisemakers

Scale Skipper Heals

I love these shoes... But I wouldn't even know how to translate them into my every day casual fashion. Maybe once I find more dresses to wear to work, I will consider these shoes. I just don't see them working with jeans for now though.

Possibly wide leg trousers though...


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