Coke Is It! When Fashion Gets High...

Check out this ad I saw written about on FabSugar just now...

Perpetuating coke use much? Sweet Jesus! Completely inappropriate.

Seriously though, they could have at least used models who actually have coke problems in the ad. I mean, the chick on the left doesn't know how to hold the tube properly... And the chick on the right doesn't know how to portray a "high-on-coke face."

But I do understand the concept... Loving a piece of fashion so much that you want to just "inhale" it. Maybe even eat it.

I often look at little kittens and think, "It's so cute! I love it so much! That's dinner tonight!"

I mean, kitten-meat isn't real meat. So I am still good with this whole "vegetarian" thing.


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