Bikram Yoga Challenge: 33/60.

I love going to the Friday 4pm class at the Bloor Studio. There tends to be a fabulous instructor teaching the class. She is fabulous because...
  • She keeps the room at a great temperature.
  • She is so comfortable with the dialogue and the poses that she is able to break them apart so students get a better understanding of them.
"Do not come down (in Standing Bow) until you see your foot coming up behind your head," she demanded. "This is a back-bending pose. Your back should be arching and then you come down."

There is a great energy in the class when she teaches. And today we were 17 strong in the studio... That's the most I have seen in there yet at one time! Not bad for a new studio on a holiday weekend.

This puts me at class 33. Only 27 left.


thedancingj said…
Gaaaaaahh!! INCORRECT!!! Body down body down body down, don't wait! This is my biggest pet peeve EVER!! If you are inflexible and you follow this advice then you will NEVER bring your body down and the posture doesn't even START! Bikram and Emmy and Raj all say the same thing. Sorry. But check your dialogue when you get it and you will see. Unless you are SUPER bendy, your foot is over the top AFTER and BECAUSE you bring your body DOWN.
Me said…
Really? It made complete sense when she did it. I can't wait to get my dialogue... Probably not gonna be till next month though...

I can't wait to hear about Advanced!!!!
thedancingj said…
She's an instructor. She is probably bendy. It makes sense on HER body. She's teaching from her personal practice. Watch someone do it who is NOT flexible to see the real mechanics.

Emmy's description is the best. Kick hard so that you feel the stretch in your right arm (1st side) and you have the connection between your kick and your back. Then roll body down immediately and don't stop coming down until your abdomen is parallel with the floor. You do want a backbend, but the "foot over the head" guideline doesn't enter into it, because that doesn't work for many people, only the bendies.

I know, I have a shit ton of writing to do!! I get so side-tracked... ;)

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