Garurasana While Sleeping.

It must be all the Bikram I have been doing. But I find myself waking up in odd positions while laying in bed at night.

Sounds scandalous... But it's not. I assure you.

In the past week, I have woken up to find myself wrapped up in full Garurasana pose (also known as "Eagle"). And when I write, "Full Garurasana pose," I mean it. I am laying on my right side, with my left leg wrapped around my right leg. And my arms? Yep, they are twisted up, with the palms in "prayer" and tucked under my right cheek.

Does this happen to anyone else? Does their body practice Bikram poses while sleeping?


thedancingj said…
Um, this has NEVER happened to me. (I DREAM about yoga poses all the time but have never yet woken to find myself in full cobra or full standing bow - maybe the problem is that I dream about the hard postures I can't do yet.) But it is FUCKING HILARIOUS.

I hear all kind of reports of people sleep-yoga-ing at teacher training... my friend woke in the middle of the night to find her roommate standing over her bed in eagle pose reciting dialogue. My girl J who teaches in Boston says she always woke up in the middle of the night at TT going "shit, what posture is it?!?" Hahaha... sounds like you are already halfway there!!!
Anonymous said…
u mean your husband got really drunk tried to sleep with you in a way he couldnt see your face?
Me said…

Oh dear no!

In fact, I was FACING The Husband when I woke up. (So that blows your theory, you nasty person.)

Additionally, The Husband doesn't drink. So it's not like it is with YOUR significant other, Anonymous.

My significant other doesn't drink, and certainly doesn't need to when he comes to bed with me.

I get to have his full SOBER attention at all times.

Anonymous said…
Dear Missus,
I am a huge fan of your blog! This one is hilarious, especially because Eagle is my favorite posture. I have never done yoga in my sleep, I cannot even imagine twisting the arms in bed. I do find the urge to practice tree stand when I get into bed at night and the ONLY way I can fall asleep is in Savasana and I usually stay this way all night.
Question - do you find yourself starving during your challenge? I have done 3 - 30 day challenges over the past year, I am always so hungry!
Thanks for writing!
Anonymous said…
I am 17 days into my 60 day challenge, and I have woken doing yoga twice! Once it was fixed firm, then last weeks it was tree! My boyfriend thinks I am crazy! I eat, sleep,breathe and dream of yoga!

Me said…
Laura... Three 30-day challenges? You are like me... It is time to do a 60-day!!! Congrats!!!

And to answer your question, Laura: YES! I am famished when I do challenges. Especially when it comes to PROTEIN! I crave it. Eggs, specifically. And bacon. What do you crave?

Ness: You are not crazy! Congrats on doing a 60-day! And when you dream of yoga, it represents "control of mind and body." And "you have great self discipline."

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