Kyle Is Coming To Town...

I've lived in Boston for over five years now... And since I moved here, I can't recall us ever having a super-bad rainstorm. At least not in the city. Perhaps outside the city...

Well, prepare yourselves people... Because it is looking like tomorrow night/into Sunday we will be getting a visit from Tropical Storm Kyle.

The fact that there is a Tropical Storm Kyle may be news to you, as most of us have been preoccupied with the other news themes of this week: The Shit Economy and John McCain's fast descent into Bi-Polar Crazy-Town.

First thing tomorrow morning: I am heading to the grocery store to get some shopping done. I need to stock up on a few things. (Candles, matches, water, one of them porno magazines, large box of condoms, bottles of Old Harper, a couple of those panty shields, some illegal fireworks and one of those disposable enemas...) Then, if I can, I will go to an afternoon Bikram class.


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