Two Great Pieces Of Advice From Today...

These actually came from two other bloggers out there (Frogger and E. Jean on Dear Sugar)...

"This is your life. You must create it!"

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

I don't know that I've ever told anyone this... But I invented the date of my marriage.

Don't misunderstand me... I am in fact married. But in 2001, shortly after I met and began exclusively dating The Husband, I took an online quiz for fun. It's purpose was to predict the date you would get married. You answered some questions and it would "predict" your date.

My predicted date was "July 24, 2004."

And so it was decided. I would get married on July 24, 2004. And you know what? Once I manifested this belief, it happened.

Two years later I was engaged. And three years later I was married to Human. On July 24, 2004.

So begin inventing your life today.

People often chide me for being too "aggressive" and going after what I want... But in recent years I have built up a completely legitimate defense of, "I don't really give a fuck about that little thing you like to call your 'opinion.'"

And I really don't. Nor should any of you. I don't think you should go around doing bad things, like stealing or killing... But if what you want is perfectly healthy and lovely, why not go for it?

Very rarely in life will anyone give you precisely what you want. It's your job to give it to yourself. And if you have children (my sympathies), it's your fucking job to teach them the same thing...

No one is going to give you what you want. So you may as well learn the civilized but proactive way of going out and getting it yourself.


Okay, I was curious and googled "wedding date prediction quiz" and ended up with this:

"Congratulations! You will married on August 8, 2007. Your spouse will be named James/Josie and will live in the East Hamptons. You will have three kids named Julia, John, and Luke. Everything will seem picture-perfect on the outside, but inside you will be desperately trying to hide a severe alcohol addiction."
CelticBuffy said…
I LOVE the line about not giving a fuck about the little thing you call your opinion. I need to memorize that and make it my new mantra!
Me said…

Kate, should I get you a wedding gift?
Dan said…
You go, sister.
Lol. I got the same results as Kate. No comment on the accuracy...

Great advice. I'm inspired to consider my goals today.
Vanessa said…
I love this post and firmly believe it. It's up to you to name and claim what you want to show up in your future. If we don't have clear ideas about what we want, how will we ever know it when we see it?

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