Talk About Being Unprofessional...

Yeah... So.. Got a bit of a bitchy email today...

The story behind the email:
Back at the end of March I reached out to a blog designer to spice up this place. I was ready to commit to a more personalized background and design... And I had seen quite a few people recommend this one particular designer.

I paid the designer, and put me on her schedule, and began work a few weeks later. The first design though, while cute, was not really a good fit with my personality. I figured I should give her more information and specific details. So I circled back with her on my thoughts.

She said she would take another look and adjust somethings... And she asked me to go through stock photos to see if there was anything that jumped out at me. I sent my favorites to her, and she said she would come up with something else.

I waited. And waited. And waited. About a month went by and I didn't hear anything from her. Then, I got an email one day that basically said, "Oh! I forgot about you! I am going to work on yours this weekend!"

I didn't get mad or anything. I knew she was busy. And I appreciated her reaching out to me and being honest. I told her not to worry. And that whenever she could get it done was fine.

A few days later, she sent it to me... And before I decided to form an opinion myself, I would pass it by others first. Here are the types of responses I got:
"This isn't you! You're cheeky! And fun!"
"Yeah, I don't like this. The font is wrong. And it looks too thrown together."
"This is ugly."
I didn't think it was as bad those people did. But it was a case where creative differences were likely going to prevent anything being usable. So I decided that I would run it by a few more people... But I would, in the mean time, chalk up the cost to a research expense.

And so I hired another designer to work on a design too - this time, someone I knew. And this designer was spot on with what I was looking for... Probably because they know me personally.

So all was well in the world. I applied the new design last week, and I am loving it... As are my readers. Then, I get a harsh email from the initial designer in my inbox today:
Cute new blog design. Still kind of upset that you didn't even have the nerve to reply back to me.
Umm... When did I not write her back? (That's my first question!) Second... How unprofessional is that?

I mean, I paid this woman. She was a little flaky. And we weren't in sync creatively. And I was okay with taking a loss on the $145 I paid her for the redesign.... Yet, she has the audacity to write me and tell me that I was too chicken to respond to her?

Honey, I fear absolutely no confrontation. Ask people who know me. Hell, ask every boss I have ever had in my life. If I got your email, I would have responded. And in fact, when I last responded to you, I had told you,
"I am going to run this by some people and do some market research with it. If there are any additional changes I need, I will have another contract with you to pay your that additional work."
Yet, somehow, I am the one who is unprofessional and chicken shit?

I was kind. And professional. You, on the other hand, will get absolutely no referrals from me.


Anonymous said…
Now I'm so curious about who it was! I always hear great things about a certain designer, but I'm not all too fond of the work she's done.
Me said…
Oh, I couldn't out her... Because she has done good work for others. But I was just shocked by her audacity.
Anonymous said…
That is pretty unprofessional. I have a feeling I know who you're talking about.
Me said…
Yeah... And I was just so surprised! Because I never asked for the money back, because she did legitimately work on it. I just didn't like what she produced.

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