These Would Have Been Useful In Rome...

So... The Husband and I are going to be staying in today, cleaning our apartment. We started to do it a little earlier this week, but decided we would make a project out of it during the storm today.

While sorting through one of his drawers (which I never go through, because I know there's nothing scandalous and worth snooping on in there), I found these...

Umm.. Yeah. They're Euros left over from our trip to Paris THREE YEARS AGO.

I called to the Husband, "Did you know you had a tidy sum of leftover Euros from our last trip a couple of years ago?????"

He looks pensive for a minute. And then he dares to speak...

"Yeah," comes the confirmation. "I guess I did know they were there. But I forgot about them."

"You know, these could have come in handy in Rome, right?"
I ask.

"Of course,"
he said. "I guess I should go through that drawer more often."


That tidy sum could have been a small, but lovely, handbag. Or a really super-fuck-yeah kick ass dinner for Frogger and I. Or, depending on how much wine was consumed, two or three kick ass dinners.

We had kept the Euros after the Paris trip because the dollar (like it is now) was so much weaker than that currency. And we knew we would be going back to Europe sometime in the following years, so we figured, "Let's just hang on to it."

And since he was the one holding the money during the trip, I forgot all about it when we got back home.

Lesson learned: The Missus holds the money.


Frogger said…
Hold on to that, lady. They will come in handy for our European vacation to come.

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