Am I The Only One Who Watches VH1?

Umm... This either indicates that I am the biggest loser or the most pop-cultured on my team here at work...

A co-worker of mine and were talking about the growing obesity problem in Asian countries among their children. In Japan, kids there love to hit the McDonald's after their school day and chow down on the greasy (but tasty) stuff. But now they are starting to develop obese characteristics, similar to American children.

So I made the comment, "Instead of 'turning Japanese' they're turning American. But of course, we all know what that song is REALLY about."

All I got was a blank stare from my three team members. No one knew what the song was about. They wanted to know. But I wouldn't say it out loud. So I instant messaged it to them.

I guess I am the only one who watches VH1's specials on various music-related things. I, personally, think that enhances my attractiveness to other people. It makes me wittier. Or it could just show that I have spent too many nights in watching VH1.


bonbonagogo said…
Really? What year do the peeps you work with come from? I learned it in like 9th grade from Rolling Stone magazine.

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