Recently Netflix-ed.

My recent Netflix selections have been ideal choices...

Entourage's Season Three, Part One - Awesome show. HBO keeps producing great series. If you haven't seen this show, or don't have HBO (like me), I recommend putting this in your queue.

Pan's Labyrinth - An adult fairy tale... I won't spoil it for you... But this was a good one, if you like films with subtitles. The imagination it took to put this together is worth seeing. Very beautiful.

The Queen - Yes, I like to Netflix movies I see in the theater. I, unlike my husband, enjoy seeing movies more than once. This one was a great viewing.

Children of Men - Put this one at the top of your queue. Clive Owen is not only hot to watch, the story keeps you on the edge.

The Fountain - Now, you would think that since I love LOST and I am on this energy and spiritual kick lately, I would dig a film about parallel lives. But I found this film abrupt and hard to follow. I don't recommend it, unless you like looking at Hugh Jackman.

Now I need to go and dump some more movies in the queue.


freeandflawed said…
I loved The Fountain. I went to see it after it came out in theatres. It is hard to follow but I think that's the way Aronofsky intended it. You have to admit the imagery was beautiful though, especially while floating around in that bubble.
Me said…
Very true, Jen... It was a beautifully shot film.

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