
Sarah Jessica Parker. Jackie Kennedy. Audrey Hepburn. Grace Kelly. These women have/had "grace."

I do not.

Don't get me wrong. I am not just being critical of myself. I really have no grace. I have attempted to gain some through my yoga practice... But even I am unsuccessful at remaining balanced and graceful in class sometimes. For example, there was the incident last week when I fell backwards out trikanasana, triangle pose.

"Sometimes, we all have wipe outs," was the comment I got from the instructor.

"Are you okay?" whispered my namesake, practicing next to me.

I fall/trip so often though that I can easily laugh this stuff off. I don't get embarrassed by it. I've learned.

But what I've begun to wonder is whether or not I will ever be able to attain some form of grace. Is it really something you can pick up and learn? And once you reach a certain age, can you learn it? Or is it too late?

Thoughts? I'll keep trying, in the mean time.


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