Your Two Options.

Crazy Downtown Crossing Preacher Guy was out in full effect this afternoon.

Today he was screaming at passersby, and he even approached a few cars, about God while wearing a sign.

According to him, we only have two options... "Jesus or Hell."

Forget reincarnation or purgatory. And as a girl I work with said, "I grew up in a hot climate. So I am quite comfortable with where I am going to end up."


Steve Garfield said…
I was driving through Kenmore at around 6 PM and fans were streaming in for the Sox game. I watched as a guy was accosted by at least three scalpers trying to sell him their tickets. Poor guy. the scalpers were intense, actually trying to get closer and closer to the poor guy.

As we drove buy we saw our own version of the Jesus or Hell guy in the same area.

"Buying or Selling?"
Other Charles said…
haha, oh man...i don't spend nearly enough time in Downtown as i should...
I saw this guy harass people on the orange line one night. My friend confronted him and the guy walked away. He couldn't answer any questions he's a crazy fake.

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