High Maintenance - Where Do You Fall?

I never really saw myself as high maintenance. I mean, my monthly "beauty and health" bill looks like this lately:
  • Training Sessions Twice A Week - $170 (times 4) = $680
  • Bikram Yoga Pass = $83.25
  • Equinox Gym Membership = $134
  • Acupuncture Twice a month - $180 a session = $360
  • Eyebrow Waxing (really only done every 6 weeks though, not monthly) = $35
  • Home Hair Coloring = $9.00
Total = $1,301.25

That's a lot. But it's nothing compared to the ladies in this NY Times article on "beauty regimens." They drop that much in a week!

A WEEK! Holy crap!

When I lived in NYC, I had co-workers who used to do the "twice a week blow outs" for their hair. And the weekly manicures. And the fancy, healthy food. And the training sessions and private Pilate's sessions. Oh, and the bi-weekly facials. But I could never justify spending that much on beauty stuff each week. I was making $35,000 a year... I didn't have that kind of cash. I still don't have that kind of cash.

I am wrapping up my private training sessions in the next three weeks. So that cost will go away. And I have prepaid for my Bikram yoga membership for a year, so I actually don't have a monthly cost for that. Every three months I get my hair cut. And that's only about $75.

So I guess from a financial perspective, my beauty regimens are fairly cheap... At least when you compare them to NYC and LA women.

Just don't ask how much I spend on Starbucks coffee and shoes.

Don't you dare ask!


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