"I've Met You Before, Yes?"

Have you ever simply seen someone before and thought, "I know you from somewhere?" The feeling that you already met this person before is so strong, that you momentarily want to say this to them to figure out where and when.

But then you realize that it is crazy. It isn't possible you have met them before.

I bring this up, because I just woke up from another nap where I dreamed about someone I had felt an instant connection to when I met them.

It was a few years ago. I was at an interview in a city I was still new to. This person was introduced to me, and I looked at them and right away felt at ease. I was running through the furthest corners of my brain to try to figure out where I knew them from. But I kept coming up with nothing.

The dream I had about this person is one that have had a few times since I met this person. Even though we don't work together any more (and haven't in a really long time), I dreamt that we were going to see a client. This person was holding my hand as we walked. When we came to an elevator, they hopped on and went up without me. I got in the next elevator and followed them. When I got up to the floor, I asked them, "Why didn't you wait for me?"

Their answer was, "I love my wife! I love my wife!"

They screamed this at me while madly grabbing my hand. Then they proceed to walk to the client meeting with me while dragging me along by the hand.

Then I wake up.

Soon after I had this dream the first time, this person stopped being nice to me... For the most part. I still have no idea why. And I am confused as to why I have continued to have this dream. I must have some unfinished business with this person from a past life. I must have annoyed them in my past life.


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