Tay Zonday, My New Fave!

My friend Brevitt posted about this kid last week, Tay Zonday. I have no idea how he found this kid on YouTube, but he is awesome.

Now, the kid does have a "creepy" factor to him. First, his looks are so innocent. He's 25, but looks 13. (A pedophile's dream! Eww!) And his voice is just adds to the creepy factor... It's so deep.

So, I am bringing back the YouTube battle for this week. And it's the Tay Zonday YouTube battle, and it's dedicated to Brevitt... Who is the seond biggest Tay Zonday fan. (After me, of course.)

So comment vote people! Which Tay Zonday song do you like best? Please take the following into consideration when you comment vote for your favorite "Tay Zonday" video:

*Tay Zonday's song lyrics.
*Tay Zonday's facial expressions.
*Tay Zonday's mad keyborading skillz.
*Tay Zonday's boyish good looks.

Tay Zonday: Demon On The Dance Floor

Tay Zonday: Rainbow Connection


Me said…
First, Bitchez!

I am coment voting for "Demons on the Dance Floor!" This song seems to have a better story behind it than the cover of "Rainbow Connection."
Chris Wight said…
Demon on the Dancefloor. Tay Zonday is the man!
Anonymous said…
The problem is that Tay Zonday is a fucking retard. His lyrics don't make a goddamn bit of sense. He a talentless wad of human flesh.


4chan.org /b/
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…

funny spoofness.

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