Cocktail Hour, Anyone?

There's no finer way to end your day at work then to walk out of your building on School Street to a woman puking her guts out on the sidewalk a few feet away from you.

Nothing finer indeed.

Unless that same woman were then to walk closer towards you, and puke some more right on your building while you stand there trying inconspicuously to snap a picture of the events unfolding with your cellphone camera (which you just recently learned how to use.)

The puke smelled heavily of wine/beer.

It reminded me that it was "cocktail hour" and that I needed to pick up a bottle of Shiraz on the way home.


Anonymous said…
OK, here's one thing that's worse. I was sitting on the subway and a guy next to me threw up. I moved away. I know I should have been more compassionate, maybe check his pulse or something, but I was grossed out.

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