Recently Netflix-ed: Little Children.

I threw some new movies in to my queue the other day. Three of them arrived this evening. I popped one in and thoroughly enjoyed the film.

Little Children was one of the flicks I kept meaning to see while I was taking a break from work last Fall. I never got to it, because I found myself quite busy. But I am glad I got around to watching it, as it is a wonderful film.

I don't know if I could love Kate Winslet as an actress more. She is beautiful and so is her talent. She's uninhibited. And she falls into whatever character she seems to be doing quite easily.

This was a dark film. But a great film. I loved it. You must see it.


Anonymous said…
Great, great, great flick. A cousin of sorts to 'American Beauty' but without the smash-the-piano-keys ending.

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