Things I Would Like To Do, But Can't...

As I was told when I was younger, "'can't' is such an ugly word."

But yet, even as a full grown adult, there are things that I can't do, even though I would like to. I won't go into why I can't do them. I will just state that I can't do them, but would like to. These things include:
  • Get a second tattoo. (Got my first one when I was 18 on Halloween. Shh! Don't tell Mum! Event though she probably already knows. Time to come clean, I guess. Sorry Mum... Kinda.)
  • Learn to play the bass guitar. (I've wanted to do this since I was about 17 and first heard Green Day's "Longview.")
  • Go on vacation by myself. (I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to re-do Rome solo. I would spend all day writing, reading and drinking cappuccinos and even some wine in cafes. I would even totally try a Bikram yoga class in Italian... The poses are universal, after all.)
  • Get a dog. (Not a puppy. But a dog. A big dog. I love dogs.)
  • Go out more with friends. (It was easier to do when I lived in NYC. Boston's not much of a "go-out" city when you get married. Thinking of maybe starting a "Friday Night Strictly With Friends" night.)
This is it for now. Is there anything else I should do? I know Brevitt thinks I should sit back, relax and listen to some more Tay Zonday. I mean, I love Tay Zonday. But there's only so much Tay Zonday you can take dude. Thanks though, Brev.

P.S. Brevitt, position four in Google after only one day! Prepare to give up your position. Check mate my friend!


Anonymous said…
Agreed, the bass line on Longview is great. If you learn the bass, I'll bring my drums and we can jam.

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