Get A Clue.

Oh my!

Can I blabber on about work for a second, s'il vous plait?

I love my current job. But my Google rep (who is based in the UK and can't calculate the time difference between Boston and London, "It's eight hours, yes?" "Um, no, Google Rep. It's five hours.") is completely clueless.

I never hear from her except for when she wants me to spend more money by upping bids. I tell her, "I actually see better performance and conversion in positions 2 and 3 on some keywords than position 1." But she doesn't want to hear that. She wants me to spend, spend, spend. But after about two months of ignoring her pleas, she finally bothered to figure out a little bit about me. And she realized that I had been working at an agency doing search for quite some time. So I'm not the type of client who will sit back and just take the suggestions. I actually know how to evaluate what the engine is recommending I do and decide if it really is for the best.

The latest in my clueless experience with her - she wrote the following email just now:

Hi The Missus,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I had to await feed back from the US in order to collate the data. As you can see there from the data, there is a lot of potential with the assistance of maximisation. It would be good to get your feedback on this and so let me know when you are available for a call.

Regards,-- GOOGLE REP
Account Manager
Google United Kingdom

Pretty straight forward email, yes? Problem is, she forgot to attach the data.


I bet there is "a lot of potential with the assistance of maximisation." And I bet it means "raise your bids!"

Whatever. So not gonna happen, lady. As they say in the U.K., "Cheery Bye!"


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