Eat, Pray, Love.

It seems like everyone is reading this book lately. I picked it up about two weeks ago and zipped right through it. It is a great book...

It's one woman's (Elizabeth Gilbert's) true tale of how her life fell apart, and she picked the pieces back up. At the start of the book, she is an emotional wreck. Trapped in a marriage that she doesn't feel suits her anymore, she drags her feet in getting out of it because she lacks the courage to stand up to her spouse. Eventually she does get out, but it costs her a lot personally.

She decides to set her life back in order, and she does it by committing a year to herself. She divides her year into three sections of four months each. She spends the first four months in Rome, eating and learning Italian. The next four months are spent in India at an ashram where she chants and meditates all day. The last four months are spent in Bali, hanging out with an ancient medicine man and learning about love. Thus the name of the book...

Eat (in Italy)
Pray (in India)
Love (in Indonesia)

Such a great book. I highly recommend it as your next read. It's a quick read too... Nothing heavy about it. And you feel so proud of the author for making it through her journey and finding a life passion again.


I am reading this one right now and I find the further I get into it, the more I am cheering on Liz throughout her journey. (She just left India for Indonesia).
I am reading this one right now and I find the further I get into it, the more I am cheering on Liz throughout her journey. (She just left India for Indonesia).
Me said…
Her time in India was my favorite. She became so disciplined... SOmething I struggle with!

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