The Shaman Session.

I am exhausted. These past few days, I have been so tired. But I was told that would happen. The Shaman, Joe, told me so.

I saw Joe the Shaman on Friday evening, after my Bikram class in the Flatiron district. Joe's healing suite is located in the Flatiron district as well.

The reason I wanted to see a Shaman was to open myself up to understanding what the dreams and numbers I keep seeing mean. Shamanic healers can do a number of different things for you... From helping you use your energy to heal an ailment to even speaking to the energy that is around you (in dead ancestor form, etc.) if you have a question.

I had no need to speak to the energy around me through Joe the Shaman. With these dreams and signs, it's clear that something is happening with my energy... But I would rather I open myself up to interpret it, rather than rely on a healer to pass messages to me.

When I first walked up to the suite, located at 1133 Broadway (which, by coincidence, is one of the numbers I keep seeing... 111, 1111, 333, 3333, 1133, 133), I didn't even have to knock on the door. Joe opened it up as soon as I got to it. He couldn't have heard me walking up, and I doubt he had any kind of camera out in the hallway to see me coming. So that was odd.

Then, there were two healer friends of his, both women, in the suite as well. They were very friendly and kind. Joe the Shaman reached out to hug and kiss me hello on the cheek. I apologized for being so sweaty after showering from my Bikram class. He said dreamily, "No worries."

That's when one of the women looked at me and asked, "You do Bikram? What's your blood type?"

"I'm A positive," I told her.

That's when she screeched, "YOU DO BIKRAM AND YOUR TYPE A POSITIVE??!!! OHMIGOD!"

I didn't get a chance to ask her what she meant by it, as Joe the Shaman guided me towards the healing room. (Though, according to my research online... Hatha yoga, which is what Bikram yoga is, is one of the nest forms of exercise for A blood types.)

Inside the room were two wicker chairs that looked out a window facing the Empire State Building. There was also a blanket on the floor with instruments and feathers and stones lying next to it. I sat down in the chair and waited for Joe the Shaman to come in and join me.

When he did, we chatted about what I wanted to get out of the session. I told him I wanted to be "opened up" so that I could begin to understand what these dreams and signs mean. He seemed to agree that it was a fine idea. And he began to ask me questions and provided some answers...

"How old are you? 30? You're at the end of your Saturn cycle"

"Your in a year 7? You're being prepared for the next phase of your life."

"Independence and needing to be free? That's always been an issue with you."

"What are these dreams? What are these signs?"

"Your old work lifestyle was toxic... Your new one is great for you. You manifested something wonderful for you. Good for you."

Once the questions were done he told me, "You are being gifted. That's what the dreams and the signs mean."

"Gifted?" I asked. "I don't understand."

"You decided, before you were incarnated into this life, that you wanted to work on your intuitiveness," he explained. "You are now in a position in your life cycle that is right for you to begin taking it to a deeper level. You have always been very sensitive to other people. You know exactly what to say to make them angry. And you know exactly what to say to make them happy. You can read people well. But this is the time for you to begin focusing on you."

"You're stuck in an 'in-between' place right now. But you are supposed to be. You need to meditate and continue thinking about where to move onto next in your life. And how you will help others. Because that is the next phase in your life... Serving yourself by serving others. You haven't figured that out yet. But you are being gifted with more intuitive abilities. You need to learn more about manifesting what you want by using your energy."

He pointed out that I already knew all this... Which I did. But it's very difficult to go along with your "inner dialog." You get confused if it's just your ego talking to you... Or if it's really your heart talking to you. And that is what I am supposed to be focusing on this year.

The next step of the shamanic session was for me to lie on the floor with stones in my hand to "ground" me to the earth. Joe the Shaman works on the chakras and pulls energy out of them. It was very similar to the chakra balancing I had back in May. But Joe the Shaman also uses polarity, or healing touch.

And no, before you think bad things, it's not like that!

He touches your feet and stretches your body out. Also your arms. And your forehead. He drums for about five minutes. He asks you to visualize energy around you. He spits fire water on you.

Not "spits"exactly. He takes a sip of medicinal water. Then he stands really far back in the room and sprays the water in the air. Most of it falls around you. Some of it fell on my feet. So, it wasn't gross, in my opinion.

Afterwards, you feel really drained of your energy. I've been a little tired since then. But I haven't had much of a craving for coffee. And I have been able to get up right away in the mornings the past few days, despite being tired.

So, I think it was worth the $100 I spent on it. I feel even more "sensitive" now. But I could just be hormonal.


Anonymous said…
"...Serving yourself by serving others. You haven't figured that out yet. But you are being gifted with more intuitive abilities..."

I think he means you should run for office.

Moxie for congress?
Me said…
Oh CT! If I was gonna do anything political, it would be a sa lobbyist of some kind.

While I am good at managing and running things, I have too many demons in my closet to run for office. Specifically, too many instances of burning bridges once I move on from people and places. It would definitely come back to haunt me if I ran for office.

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