Glutes... ACTIVATE!

Ugh. My ass hurts.

Since I had an assessment on Tuesday morning, today was the first day in my new training cycle. And we definitely kicked it up a notch.

Today was a day where we focused hard core on my ass. Or, "glutes," as my trainer likes to say. She had me doing one-legged squats that were so painful. Do you know what those are? No? Well let me enlighten you...

You stand on both feet, hip-width apart. You shift your balance on to one foot, but you keep the other foot in line, just off the floor. You then squat all the way back... Way back... Till your ass touches the bench all the way behind you and you are sitting down. And you have to do this with complete control.

I did that about 45 times on each leg.

THEN, in-between each set of those, she had me doing vertical jumps. You shift your weight to the back of your feet, with your knees bent... Squatting deeply. Then you BURST yourself into the air with your arms and legs straight... Then you land back on your feet and shift your weight back into your ankles.

You might think jumping straight up and down is easy... But when you have to use all your energy to balance one second and then burst up the next, it ain't that easy. And if you do it immediately after you just did one-legged squats... Well, your ass will be hurting in no time.

In fact, I told the trainer this.

"Where do you feel it?" she asked. She likes to make sure that I am not feeling it in my lower back, as that would indicate I am doing it wrong.

"I feel it in my freaking ass," I said.

She laughed.

"Well, that's good! That means you're activating your glute muscles!" she said.

I would rather just have a super secret power that just made my ass smaller and more toned on it's own... Without having to do any work. Because I am lazy.

But I don't think I will ever have that super secret power. So, I need to just "deal" and get used to having to ACTIVATE it on my own.

Wishful thinking never got any one's ass any smaller.


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