Lady, You Got Screwed.

Dear Lady with Me in the jetBlue terminal here at JFK,

You got screwed. I mean that literally as well as figuratively... Because you have three little boys, all under the age of four. And they are noisy and rowdy as hell.

I don't know if you are married, or have a relationship with someone who is also jointly responsible for the boys... But you need to tell that person to "Step the hell up."

Your kids are badly behaved. And your coddling of them isn't going to make them better behaved. When the two older ones (I am guessing ages two and four) continuously push each other and fight over a water bottle, screaming out loud in the terminal; that is NOT the time to tell them, "Please share darlings. We don't want to be noisy."

You also don't want to continue stand there and tell them, "Come on boys, share. Share."

Here's what you fucking do lady... You take the fucking water bottle away. Then, the kids will have no reason to push each other and squeal at each other. Sure, they'll probably cry for a few minutes, but so what? They'll get over it.

But if you let them just sit there and keep fighting over the bottle, they'll just keep being noisier longer.

Seriously lady, get some balls. Stand up to your kids. Saying "No" ain't that hard. Ask my parents... I got told that all the time growing up. I promise you, your kids won't hate you for it.


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