Reversible Chic.

While walking to Whole Foods on Sunday morning to do my grocery shopping, I saw a woman up ahead of me who was dressed very stylishly.

She was wearing jeans that were cuffed up about five inches, black flip flops, a bright persimmony-orange t-shirt and a maroon and floral patterned blazer. It was very cute. Perfect outfit for brunching.

Then I said to myself, "Wait a minute! I have that same blazer! AND, that girls is wearing inside out!"

I began walking more briskly to catch up to her. I needed to confirm that this was the very same jacket I had. I got up close enough to confirm that it was.

"But I had no idea it was a reversible blazer!" I said to myself.

When I got home though, I more closely inspected the blazer. It is NOT reversible on it's own. This girl is just very imaginative and advanced in her style skills that she could look at the jacket and see the potential. (What a fashion-savvy gal!)

Here is the jacket as it is meant to be worn.

And here it is reversed.

Very cute.


Anonymous said…
how very "fresh prince of bel air" of her!
Me said…
I don't recall that episode.
Anonymous said…
will smith always had his school uniform jacket inside-out!

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