"If It Doesn't Sparkle, What's The Point?"

Seriously people... What is the point?

I'm not talking diamonds... Or smiles... What I'm talking about is "sparkling water."

The name says it all... "sparkling water." Therefore, it's supposed to be "sparkling"... Or in this case, "carbonated and bubbly." But apparently, The Husband doesn't always agree with me.

See, I have a habit. When I go into the fridge and pull out one of the half dozen bottles of Poland Springs Sparkling Water, I expect it to still have carbonation in it. If it does not, I will turn it upside down and dump it all out.

This upsets The Husband, even though I buy the groceries in the house.

He sees it as "wasteful" to dump an entire bottle out. And while I don't disagree with him on that fact, I hold him responsible for the lack of carbonation in the bottle.

See, he doesn't put the caps back on the bottles tight enough. I simply MUST hear a "fssss!" sound when I open a bottle of sparkling water. If I don't hear it, I can pretty much guarantee you that whatever is left in the bottle is going to get dumped out.

I mean, have you ever tasted sparkling water with no carbonation? It's nasty! And pointless.


Anonymous said…
I'm with The Husband on this one. Chuck an entire liter of clean water becuase it's not ... audible?

I won't say people are starving in China ... but people are thirsty in Khartoum.
Me said…
Dude... Sparkling water that doens't have carbonation is "grosso."
Sarah said…
I am 100% with you on this one! Eric does the same thing with sparkling water and soda. Flat they are both just NASTY and immediately dumped out. Blech.

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