Coffee? You Lose!

What is with me? I can NOT seem to tolerate coffee lately.

Each time I have gone to drink a cup in the past few days, my tummy ends up hurting... It feels "full" all of a sudden. And then I feel like puking.

I have concluded it must be the magic dolls.

But I will not be giving them up. I must weigh my options... Coffee? Or clear skin? Coffee? Or clear skin?

Sorry. Clear skin wins. Coffee loses.


Anonymous said…
The chocochinos will draw you back.........chocolate, coffee, maybe throw in some mint flavor - you'll be back Missus!
Anonymous said…
I did that a few years ago, and the hormone was still too strong for me. That's one of the drugs that "makes your body think it's pregnant" sort of thing, so strange things start happening. I couldn't eat sweet cereal while on it. And for the record—that never actually happened to me either time I was pregnant. I agree with Brevitt—throw some mint in there, maybe? Or try to eat something with it? Or try switching back to tea again?
Me said…
yeah... not a fan of chocolate and coffee Brevitt.

I'm actually not bummed that I can't seem to handle coffee. I see this as a good thing.

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