Dream: Puppies, A Lizard & Home.


I was so exhausted by the time I tucked into my bed last night. (Up at 5am for an early training session... Followed by nine hours of looking at Meta data and numbers... Followed by yummy "Fondue Fun-Do" night with friends.)

So exhausted was I that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I began to drift off. (I think The Husband tried to sleep with his arms around me... But I wouldn't allow that because I was so tired and just wanted to sink into bed obstruction-free. Sorry, honey.) I drifted off and began a night of active dreaming.

While I don't recall what I dreamed in the earlier part of the night, I do recall what I was dreaming about in the last part...

I was living at my parent's house... The one we lived in on an Army base in Arizona. Only it has a bigger yard in the front that took up the space where the carport used to be. There was a momma doggie on the ground. (Looked like a yellow lab.) She had a bunch of little puppies running around her. One of them was nursing on her. I picked up one of the little puppies with both of my hands, and I began to zoom it around in the air... Like it was flying. Then the puppy turned into a lizard.

Then I heard singing in my ear, and I woke up.

According to the online dream dictionary I use, these elements mean...

Puppies: To see a litter of newborn puppies in your dream, is indicative of the amount of time that an idea has been developing or will take to develop. Look to the number of puppies to give you that approximate amount of time. (There were at least six.)

Lizard: To see a lizard in your dream, signifies your primal instincts and reactions toward sex, food, etc. and your anxieties toward these feelings. On a more positive note, the lizard also symbolizes emerging creativity, renewal, and revitalization. It may also suggest that you are well-grounded.

Childhood Home: To see your childhood home in particular, suggests your own desires for building a family. It also reflects aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home.

To see someone nursing or dream that you are nursing, suggests that you are nurturing a hidden aspect of yourself.

My deciphering of this dream:
I have had an idea developing in my brain since childhood. (I think it's pretty obvious what it is.) I've loved writing since I lived at this particular house when I was a child. I think I received my sign. It's time to get ridiculously serious about my writing. And perhaps it'll be a few more months (maybe six?) till I am able to narrow down my idea and be able to write it out.

Either way, I'm on the right path. And things are getting going.


Vanessa said…
Right on! Can't wait to hear more about the writing idea.

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