Bikram 30-Day: How To Prepare.

Someone left me a comment this evening on a post I did last year. They wanted to know how I prepared myself for a Bikram yoga 30-day challenge. And I figured that since I am starting one the Saturday after next, this would be a timely post to do.

The first time I did a Bikram yoga 30-day challenge
, I quit my job. I know... That's extreme. And to be honest, I didn't intend to quit it right away. (I gave two month's notice and they refused to accept it. Dumbasses.) But it actually ended up being the best thing. I was able to move on with my life right away. And one of the ways I moved on was to just throw myself into a 30-day challenge.

However, I do not recommend that approach to most people.

So what do I recommend? Well, here you go...
  1. Start training yourself NOW how to take down plenty of water before class. Yes, it takes training to learn how to drink lots of water... If you're not used to it. Start with eight classes a day. Then try and get that up to 12. STOP drinking water about an hour and a half before class. (Otherwise, your body could still be processing the water when class starts. And you'll have to leave to pee.)
  2. Plot out when you are going to go each day. Seriously... You gotta schedule the classes in to your day before you start the challenge. If you think you can't get to class right after work on week days, then try to shoot for morning classes.
  3. Make sure you get plenty of sleep during the challenge.
  4. Get a bikini wax. Seriously. If you like to wear short-shorts, just make a clean start with your "maintenance." And you won't have to worry about razor burn.
Now, those are my suggestions for "how you should prepare." Here are things that I think you should expect when you are doing a 30-day...
  1. Expect to feel overwhelmed on day one. You'll be half-way through class and realize, "Shit! I still have 29 and a half classes to get through!" But you shall go on... And by day 14 you realize, "I'm almost halfway through! I can totally go another 16 days! Why give up now?"
  2. Expect to feel really exhausted by about class 11 or 12. I remember on my 12th day during the first challenge (I've done three), the teacher asked me what was wrong at the start of class. "I'm so exhausted!" I said. He said, "Yes. That happens halfway through. In about three days, you'l be full of energy though." AND HE WAS SO RIGHT!
  3. Expect to not practice in the same space every day. Switch it up! If you are normally a front, far-left corner kind of person, switch it up and stand front and center... You know, where it's ridiculously warmer. This will challenge you even more.
  4. Expect your clothes to smell like the Bikram studio even when you're not in there.
Because this is will be my fourth challenge (in a year and a half), I am going to prepare before I start it with the following:
  1. Giving up caffeine. I did well today. I drank only a Diet Coke, at lunch. But other than that, I only had water. So I don't "need" coffee.
  2. Detox Diet! On Monday (six days before I start the challenge) I will avoid: wheat, gluten, dairy, alcohol, meat, chocolate, sugar... So what can I eat? Fruits, veggies, herbal teas, complex carbs (brown rice), rice milk, nuts... I wanto detox and cleanse my body before I start the challenge.
  3. Sleep. All I plan to do when I get home each evening next week is get to bed by 9pm.
I'm looking forward to this!


BFW (Tammy) said…
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this, I will take this advice!
Anonymous said…
I also recommend keeping a challenge journal. i would write a quick page after every class. it was a good way to chart my progress and to sometimes vent! plus, it's really great reading after the fact!!

ps. loved your bikini wax advice. wish i would have had it before i started my challenge!
Me said…
Great idea Steph! Maybe I will add a side column to this blog where I can put my "Bikram Yoga Mood" each day after class.

And yes... I learned after my last challenge (bceause it was the first one where I wore shorts in every class) that a bikini wax is just the way to go. Razor burn sucks.
Anonymous said…
Well, it looks like your challenges have inspired me! I am going to TRY to do a 30 day yoga challenge as well, but it will be much less intense than yours (I'm just doing vinyasa yoga)- But I have a question - did you have days that you had plans after work, and couldn't fit it in before work, in the morning? I just started and already have one of those days this week!
Me said…
Yup, anonymous... I have had one of those days. Often, what I do before a challenge is prepare the people I work with and friends that I am "doing a 30-day challenge." And I let them know that means, "I may not be available during the weekday evenings for events."

If I absolutely MUST attend an event in the evening, I go in the morning. If I can't go in the morning either, then I go twice in one day.

Yep, you read that correctly, I go twice some other day during the 30 days to make up for the missed class.

If you're going to do a "double" day... My recommendation would be to go to a 6am class and then a 5:30pm class, during the week days. If you want to "double-up" on the weekends, I recommend going to the first class of the day, and then the last class of the day. That way you have time to re-hydrate.
Anonymous said…
1. thanks for posting all of this 30 day bikram info, I am on the same day 4 into 30!

2. i think you wrote about fanny-packs. Are you familiar with the LV Florentine?
Me said…
Oh yes... Totally familiar with the Florentine...

I will say that it is less offensive than the Gucci Belt Bag and other fanny packs... I mean, wearing the Florentine on the belt is only one of the options... You can also carry it as a clutch and hook it into a larger bag.

So I would not make fun of someone wearing the Florentine.
Unknown said…
I am a 30 something Toronto gal living in America preparing for 46 days of yoga...I appreciate the tips. I'm giving up bread during this period as well, is it really essential to drink so much water tho?
Jessica O'Neill said…
I'm on day 6 - Thanks so much for the advice!
hannah I am said…
Hi, I attempted to start but I managed to only go to 5 days in a row and had to stop because of mother natures "monthly visit". Would you recommend practice during womens 'cleansing time'? please let me know
Teresa said…
I'm on day 22 of my first challenge... loved your post! Day 12 was also my most difficult day. I walked into class crying, but I got through it! Great post.
Anonymous said…
I have just started a challenge and to be honest the most challenging part of it for me at the moment (minus actually going to the classes) is making sure that I have enough clean towels and clothes to wear. Im using the machine constantly and will be buying a second 'kit' at the weekend
Anonymous said…
I have just started a challenge and to be honest the most challenging part of it for me at the moment (minus actually going to the classes) is making sure that I have enough clean towels and clothes to wear. Im using the machine constantly and will be buying a second 'kit' at the weekend

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