Podcasts I Listen To.
I'm a huge fan of listening to podcasts. They are a great way to kill time while commuting or working. It's nice to have something on in the background while you're doing stuff. Here's a list of the podcasts I really love listening to each week.
- A Prairie Home Companion: The News From Lake Wobegon - Garrison Keillor's weekly monologue where he shares the latest news from a little town "out on the edge of the prairie." The stories are really funny. And his voice is beautiful. You could sit and listen to him talk all day.
- The New Yorker: Out Loud - Monthly Fiction Podcast. A current fiction writer chooses a story from the New Yorker archives and reads it.
- NPR: Fresh Air - Taken from the "Fresh Air" radio show that airs on NPR. Fresh Air is a radio talk show, focused on contemporary arts and issues. The best episode so far was one that was done with Steve Carrell last year. Hilarious.
- NPR: Pop Culture - Features interviews and commentary on the "cultural landscape." Interviews and reviews are taken from radio shows Morning Edition and All Things Considered (and more), and are combined to make p the podcast.
- The Economist: The World Next Week - I know. Probably a surprise to you that I would listen to a podcast from The Economist. But it is peppered with useful information and insights about the world of politics and the economy. The World Next Week is done by The Economist and the Council on Foreign Relations, and the focus is on whatever is (in the their opinion) going to be the big story in the next week. Usually it revolves around politics, the economy, culture, technology... If you get distracted reading The Economist, this is a good substitute.
- The Economist: Democracy In America - Taken from the blog on The Economist website, the focus is on politics.
- This American Life - Taken from the radio show by the same name, this podcast features first-person stories and sort fiction pieces that are funny or touching.
- Whole Foods Market - Podcast produced by Whole Foods where organic foods and products are discussed. Recipe ideas and seasonal food recommendations are also shared.