I Am An Ordained Minister.

Seriously people...

I just took 20 seconds out of my Sunday morning (and it is a beautiful Sunday morning here in Boston) to enter my name into an online form and register myself as a minister of the Universal Life Church.

Does anybody need to me to marry them? Does anyone need spiritual guidance?


Vanessa said…
I actually did this a few years back to marry a friend of mine. I thought it would be no big deal, but actually preforming the ceremony, I was so nervous you'd have thought I was the one getting married!
Me said…
That's so cool Vanessa!

I just did it because my friend Frogger thought it would be a laugh... And so did I, to be honest. I mean, cuz anyone who knows me knows I'd be the most openly, blatant and honest minister out there. If someone comes to me for advice, I'm usually pretty straight-forward... I have very little of a filter.
Frogger said…
The pope is going to be so excited to see you in Rome...

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