Pumpkin Spice Lattes: Limit Reached.

I made myself a quiet promise this season...

"I will only allow myself to take in 50 Pumpkin Spice Lattes this season. Once I hit that limit, I will have no more this season."

This afternoon, it was too cold for me to walk to Bikram. I made it down the steps of my brownstone... Across the street... One block down to Starbucks... And decided to go in there instead of to Bikram.

I had my yoga clothes and bag all in hand. But it was just too cold to walk any further. And I thought to myself, "Wouldn't you rather just grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte, warm up and walk back home?"

And, of course, that is what I chose!

But, it wasn't till I got home to add this afternoon's PSL to my running count that I realized that it was my 50th of the season.

So no more!

But hey, at least I made it to the week of Thanksgiving!


April Elizabeth said…
if you love them why limit?

how about this. i too promise i will only have 50 pumpkin spice latte's this season. thus far i have had 0. you may take some of my credits as they will purely go to waste.

(i don't drink lattes... so you may take up to 49 credits. id like to try one.)
Anonymous said…
Why limit yourself?? You love them.. so enjoy them! Plus you have that fancy Starbucks card, so you might as well ;)
Anonymous said…
Starbucks is offering to Boston customers a 5.00 starbucks card if they have tried clover coffee and answer a survey by Monday November 27th at 5 p.m. by going to www.CloverSurvey.com. If you haven't tried it they boot you out at the third or fourth survey question and you don't get the giftcard.
thedancingj said…
HAHA - way to go. What about this new rule: you can get a latte if and only if you've ALREADY made it to yoga!

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