Finding The Motivation To Exercise.

I've been having this type of conversation a lot lately with various friends... It's the same question we all ask ourselves, "How can I find the motivation to exercise?"

It's a tough question to answer, because the motivation is different for each person. For some, having a high stress job drives them to exercise. I once knew a gal (when I worked at an agency) who used to love going to a kick boxing class after a long stressful day.

For me though, a high stress and busy job meant all I wanted to do at the end of the day was retreat to my apartment, and watch TV.

"This is decompression for me," I would say.

And as relaxing as it may be, it wasn't good for me. Yet, I could not properly motivate myself after a busy day. So, eventually, my solution was to quit my job at this particular agency. But I know that's not practical for most people.

So what's a person to do? (Other than hurry to your doc for an anti-depressant or ADD prescription!)

My advice is the following:
  • Prioritize yourself above everything else. This includes job, significant others, friends, family (even children) and pets. YOU DESERVE AN HOUR EACH DAY (at least) TO DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO. Everything else can "go blow" for that hour.
  • Start off small when you work out each day. Say to yourself, "Self, today we're just gonna move. That's the whole objective. Don't worry about how much we burn off. We're just gonna focus on being comfortable in our skin while moving around."
  • Reward yourself. I am now rewarding myself when I lose a certain number of pounds. When I hit this milestone in pounds, I get a massage.
Anyone else have any inspiration for exercise motivation?


My motivation before I had a baby was to lose weight TO have a baby. I was only a smidge over weight then, but the Dr suggested that it would help. I lost 30 lbs in 3, I had the baby 8 months ago and cannot for the life of me lose the last 19 lbs from the pregnancy. I'm trying to motivate myself with the purchase of a designer handbag once the weight is gone! LOL

Great blog ... just wondered in here thru blogger. :)

Me said…
Thanks Miss Melody!

Babies are a GREAT WAY to motivate yourself to workout. It's important to have a good workout routine prior to getting pregnant.

And I LOVE your motivation scheme... You get a designer handbag once you lose the last 19 pounds. Hope you're picking something really good out!
Anonymous said…
Sorry this is off-topic, but your blog seems like the right place for this note, since it happened at the local Starbucks and involves 30-something young women.

Since I'm working at home today, I took advantage of my 10am call being canceled to run out for a tall Morning Blend.

Two moms, both young and pretty and pushing strollers, stopped near the back of the store to chat about lunch plans and their yoga class, or some such pleasantries.

I suppose it is ok that they were COMPLETELY BLOCKING access to the exit, the restrooms, and the milk/sugar area, since the store wasn't too busy. That is, until the employee tried to pass, struggling to drag a heavy-looking bag of garbage to the back of the store.

The barista stopped and said 'exuse me'. She said it softly, but it was obvious she was trying to pass. One mom sort-of stepped back, maybe 6 inches, but not enough. The barista said more loudly, "excuse me!". Mom stepped back another inch, but continued gabbing about lunch on Friday.

The barista dragged her trash bag between the moms and then had to wait another few moments while lunch plans were finalized. The moms never apologized, never sped up their banter, and didn't really try to step aside.

As an observer, these women seemed pretty self-centered and rude and really made this guys point:

Spread the word. Please be courteous to those around you, even the poor souls who have to work for a living at under $100k.
Me said…
OHMIGOSH!!! "Just Being Polite" I LOVE YOU!!!!

This is one of my MAIN BEEFS with all the mummies in the South End (who I so don't fit in with and never will.)

The roll around in their high-end strollers (which I actually like), but they BLOCK EVERYTHING... Sidewalks... Doorways... You name it.

And what bothers me most is that you (the childless man or woman) have to be uber polite as to not offend a mum.

They act "entitled" just because they have a child. And more often than not, their children are little bitches and bastards... screaming their heads off, ignoring their parents, running around...
Anonymous said…
I'm glad it wasn't just me having a pet-peeve moment. But after re-reading my post, I realize that it may sound anti-baby or something. I don't mean it that way. What I mean though, is if you're pushing a stroller, or carrying a back-pack, or rolling a suitcase, or you're a homeless person pushing a shopping cart, you should be aware that you are taking up extra space, and try not to completely block everyone else's access.

But... if you have no choice but to block access for a moment, then for God's sake make an extra effort to get the F out of the way when people need to pass, especially if you're just gabbing about lunch plans.
Me said…
No... You didn't come across as "anti-baby."

And I do hate ripping on the mothers in my neighborhood... But I have just had/seen to many instances where they act entitled, simply because they have a human being to care for...

I mean, caring for my husband takes a lot of freaking effort... But you don't see me going around completely unaware of my surroundings. I still make an effort to be conscious of others... Whether he is with me or not.
Anonymous said…
One final, more-on-topic thought, since you're a mom also and love to work out.

In a former life I used to run a lot of 5K races in a small-ish town, so you'd often see the same people.

One guy won most of them. And the SOB was always pushing a jogger-baby-carriage. He ran his 3.1 milers in 17 or 18 minutes. With his kid. The bastard...

I should add that he was polite enough not to crowd other runners with the carriage! He started at the front and just ran ahead of everyone else :-)
Me said…
Actually... I'm not a mom. Don't want to be one in my neighborhood. But I do love (other people's) kids!

I was once trying to have one... But between the fertility drugs (which I didn't need, but the doctor wanted me to take) and the realization that I would have no personal time left, I decided against them (for now.)

In general, in the South End, the fathers seem to be WAAAAY more respectful of other people when they are pushing their babies around. Fathers will move their kids out of people's way... They will wrangle them in so they're not running around wildly.

It's the mummies who seem to have absolutely no control. It drives me bonkers.
Vanessa said…
Thanks for this. I have been having a very hard time getting motivated this week. I normally walk an hour a day 5 days a week. This past week? Well, no idea what happened other than January blahs. Self? We are just going to move today! I love it, thanks!
Anonymous said…
actually, my motivation will be joining the "pretty gym"!

and then getting to my goal for vegas will mean some sort of treat there! (and maybe an amazon kindle to read on the plane ride there!)

but i agree, making yourself #1 has been my goal for a few months now, and really? it really makes EVERYONE else in your life happy if you are happy first...

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