Weekly Poll: No McCafe For You!

As I ducked into the Starbucks on my way into work this morning, I overheard the barista talking to a friend of his.

"McDonald's gonna come and put you outta business?" asked the friend.

"Nah," said the barista. "It's not gonna hurt us."

And I quite agree with him. As do many of you.

Thanks to all 62 people who voted. (That's the largest number yet!) It looks like the majority of you agree with me that you would still be loyal to Starbucks (or Dunks, if you must go there), and would not be interested in getting your coffee from a McCafe.

Funny enough, The Husband and I were chatting last night (as I reminded him to vote for the week), and he mentioned that McDonald's numbers were down for the most recent quarter. SO maybe they aren't that much of a threat to the Starbucks.

A new poll is up for this week. With primary season here and in full swing, I want to know what is the most important issue that will affect how you vote in the primary?

Thanks, and don't forget to vote in the poll!


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