Beauty Routines.
Now that I have gotten the evil hormones out of my system, my skin is really starting to clear up (knock on wood). But I recently found myself having to come up with three separate beauty routines...
One for morning. One for night. One for before Bikram class.
Morning Beauty:
I needed something gentle, but cleansing. I don't want my skin to be dried and flaky when I put on my make-up.

Night Beauty:
I can be a little more aggressive before going to bed. No worries of flaky skin that people will see. I use a toner with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and an exfoliating moisturizer with salicylic acid.

Bikram Beauty:
I've learned that it's best to take my make up off before class starts. That way, I'm just sweating body water and not body water mixed with make up. After class, I just rinse my face with water.

One for morning. One for night. One for before Bikram class.
Morning Beauty:
I needed something gentle, but cleansing. I don't want my skin to be dried and flaky when I put on my make-up.
- Fresh Lemon Oil Cleansing Balm
- Blue Flame Purifying Toning Mist
- Philosophy The Present
Night Beauty:
I can be a little more aggressive before going to bed. No worries of flaky skin that people will see. I use a toner with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and an exfoliating moisturizer with salicylic acid.
- Phycisians Choice of Arizona Exfoliating Cream
- Fresh Lemon Oil Cleansing Balm
- Physicians Choice Of Arizona Smoothing Toner
- Philosophy Hope In A Bottle
Bikram Beauty:
I've learned that it's best to take my make up off before class starts. That way, I'm just sweating body water and not body water mixed with make up. After class, I just rinse my face with water.
- Fresh Soy Cleanser
- Astara Blue Flame Purifying Toning Mist
Since hitting my 30's I've been searching for a good cleanser for my skin and a good eye cream too. I've noticed lines around my eyes but all the eye creams out there seem awfully heavy and old lady like.
For my eyes, once a week I dab Creme de la mer around them... But just my eyes. That stuff is way to heavy for me to use on my face. A container of creme de la mer has lasted me over a year now.