Charlotte Allen Is A Dumbass Betch.

My co-worker, E, sent me an opinion piece yesterday by The Washington Post's Charlotte Allen called, "Women vs. Women: We Scream, We Swoon. How Dumb Can We Get?"

After reading it, I wanted to scream, not swoon and pondered "how dumb can SHE get?"

The piece starts off with her dissection of female voters in support of Obama. Then she segues into how women can certainly "do anything," but there are certain things that will always be dominated by men ("fighter pilots, architects, tax accountants, chemical engineers, Supreme Court justices and brain surgeons.") ... And we should accept that this is the way things will be forever. And her advice to women is:

So I don't understand why more women don't relax, enjoy the innate abilities most of us possess (as well as the ones fewer of us possess) and revel in the things most important to life at which nearly all of us excel: tenderness toward children and men and the weak and the ability to make a house a home.

See what I mean? Charlotte Allen of the Washington Post is a dumbass bitch.

First of all, I don't revel NOR do I excel in:
  • Tenderness toward children. If I ever have my own, maybe it will be different. But for the most part, right now, I see children as limiting to the things I want to pursue in my life. So do many other women.
  • Tenderness toward men. I mean, I love my husband. But before him, most of my boyfriends used to wonder if I even liked them. "You seem kind of indifferent that you're with me," they would decide. Bottom line, I had my own life to live... And I wasn't gonna give up shit to be with someone. If guys didn't like that, that was there problem, as far as I was concerned.
  • Tenderness toward the weak. This one perhaps I do actually have a little. I mean, I feel really sorry for the dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen.. Who is a very weak woman for writing this bullshit. So maybe she has my number pegged there?
  • The ability to make a home. Sorry to disappoint you dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen... But my husband and I have done this one 50-50 since we moved in together in 2003. We made decorating and style decisions together. And WE SHARE HOUSEWORK 50-50 TOO. Seriously.... I know I am a very lucky woman to have that. But quite frankly, I would not have married The Husband if it wasn't a 50-50 partnership on making our home comfortable. I personally feel all people should demand this from their partners, and not simply accept that one person will always do more of the work.
And another problem I have with the dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen is that she rips Elizabeth Gilbert's nonfiction piece "Eat, Pray, Love." I have seen many writers who have ripped Gilbert's book... And my theory is that many of them rip it BECAUSE THEY ARE JEALOUS. Yep. that's right. I wrote it. Think about it... If you're a writer and you see another writer zoom to the top of the NY Times best seller list by writing a book about your experience of being selfish for a year (WHICH I THINK WAS A GOOD THING - AND FEEL WE SHOULD ALL BE SO LUCKY LIKE MS. GILBERT), which you got a nice advance to do... Well, you're gonna be a little envious.

Earth to dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen of the Washington Post: Elizabeth Gilbert's story was inspirational to women. It showed a woman not settling in a marriage with a husband who she had grown apart from... And it showed a woman taking time out from life to focus on herself. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT DUMBASS BITCH CHARLOTTE ALLEN?

I mean, should ALL women have the following goals in life:
  1. Get married.
  2. Have kids.
  3. Accept a marriage, no matter what condition it is in. (Don't get me wrong dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen... I believe in working on a marriage... But at a certain point, if the shit don't work, there's no reason to stay. Why should anyone be forced to be unhappy?)
  4. Take care of the weak. (I believe in giving where you can. So yes, this one is part of my life, dumbass bitch Charlotte Allen of the Washington Post.)
  5. Make a comfy home. (Again, not a bad one. But it takes two people to do that. And if you don't have an equal partner, than you need to tell them to "go blow.")
Those are just my thoughts. To sum it up for you again, in case you didn't catch on yet people, "Charlotte Allen of The Washington Post is a dumbass bitch."

Here's her email address: Go forth and tell her what you think of her piece. Or simply sign her up for every piece of annoying spam can find on the Internet.


Vanessa said…
A crock of BS indeed. This is how we get where we are, mediocrity begets mediocrity. As long as we are willing to settle and not demand what we really want, we will stay in the same place we are, read that, no forward movement or growth in our lives. Stupid people like Charlotte continuing these views just makes it worse.
Anonymous said…
The talk on the net about this was that she was joking. I'm guessing it was a crack at satire, poorly executed.
Anonymous said…
To the Post and to Ms. Allen:

I would like to know what about this article shown so big and bright that it deserved publication. I see that Allen is well aware of, what appears to me, outdated stereotypes. She is also still attributing quite a lot to some basic and inconclusive science about the relation of the size of one's brain to their intelligence. In Allen's world, our worth is based on how we drive a car and marginal IQ tests without addressing very dramatic studies on teachers' bias toward one gender over another, not to mention the confidence of parents, employers and the press still rubbing their eyes and shaking their heads at the idea of a female American president when the rest of the world is already way ahead of us.

She has ignored studies on how women are more effective as managers, more communicative . . . she has neglected studies on child-rearing and education. Then again, what is the world outside of Allen's TIVO but romance novels, snacking and the theatrical release of 'Sex in the City.' This exercise of self-loathing and undermining one's peers is simply a symptom of laziness and fear. Women who cower in the face of competition . . . what would Allen do if women grew in leadership roles, becoming more prominent public figures and speakers and scientists, my God, she would have to put down the Lady Fingers, get off her fat ass and do something.

I will admit, as a woman there is less pressure to succeed. When you make a mistake, it is often forgiven if not anticipated by a supervisor. However, when you reinvent yourself, when you discover something new, when you really contribute- that feeling trumps all comfort that comes with acceptance in the face of failure.

Allen feels what a number of women feel, anxiety from what this means about them. They will be asked to participate when all they have been expected to do, up to this point, is look pretty and purr under the touch of their male counter-part. How will they handle this?

I am very excited to see how they will. Succeed or die Ms. Allen.

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