"Where Are There More Bros than Hos?"
If you're a straight single gal, you may be asking yourself this question. And The Boston Globe's answer to you would be, West Coast & Texas."

But Boston doesn't fair badly when it comes to an even distribution of the sexes. Our city only has about 1600 more single women than single men.
I still say dating in Boston is tough though. If I was single, I would move back to NYC. I wouldn't be afraid of the other 200,000+ single women there. Hell, that's where I met The Husband... Drunk in a bar in the Village.

But Boston doesn't fair badly when it comes to an even distribution of the sexes. Our city only has about 1600 more single women than single men.
I still say dating in Boston is tough though. If I was single, I would move back to NYC. I wouldn't be afraid of the other 200,000+ single women there. Hell, that's where I met The Husband... Drunk in a bar in the Village.
They thunder around in HUGE trucks and SUVs, spit on the sidewalk and for the most part treat women like second class citizens. I was recently in an upscale restaurant and the male was extremely offended the waitress "allowed" the woman to order for herself and made this fact known to everyone within earshot. Many of the men nearby loudly agreed with him!
Perhaps this is the reason Dallas has so many single men?
I would have said something snarky to the man who made that comment! (I make the best friends everywhere I go!)
This is excellent to know Vanessa. So girls, don't move to Dallas to date men. Or at least be warned that they may subscribe to the "asshole syndrome."